
Welcome to Radiology 1

Ended 13 Aug 2016

Full course description

Radiology in Small Animals I, Novara / Italy, 18 - 22 April 2016 - held

Course Masters: Prof. Dr. Paul Y. Barthez, DECVDI, DACVR (FR)Dr. Edoardo Auriemma, DECVDI (IT) 


This training programme is designed for veterinarians with limited experience in diagnostic radiology of companion animals. The objective of the program is to provide participants with a logical approach to basic radiographic image interpretation, including detection of pertinent radiographic signs, and generation of a prioritized differential diagnosis. 
The program is based primarily on clinical case studies in small group work and interactive teaching to stimulate an active learning process. The aim of the programme is to give participants enough knowledge and ability in radiographic image interpretation to achieve independence in common clinical situations and to facilitate their collaboration with European specialists in this field. 


  • Introduction – Thorax 
    Basics of radiographic image formation - Introduction to interpretation of radiographic images - Radiology report - Self studies: Thoracic cases - Discussion 
  • Thorax 
    Thoracic radiology – Pulmonary patterns - Thoracic cases - Discussion 
  • Abdomen 
    Radiographic contrast media and abdominal contrast procedures - Self studies: Abdominal cases - Discussion 
  • Appendicular Skeleton 
    Aggressive versus non-aggressive bone lesion - Self studies: Orthopaedic cases - Discussion 
  • Axial Skeleton 
    Myelography - Self studies: Skull and spine cases - Discussion 
  • Conclusion and introduction to the distance learning program 